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How To Use Folders to File Your Data on Your Computer
How are your family’s computer files? Well organised and easy to find. OR, littered all over the desktop! Computers CAN Save You Time and Energy An outrageous claim I know – by the time you have got your computer working and all the software installed, updated all the programs, and the virus checker, and the … Continue reading
Save Time and Lower Your Stress Levels with Filing
Stressed out by a piece of paper: I just spent an hour looking for a receipt that I needed to return something I had bought a few weeks ago. Normally I file things straight away – either into my In Tray or in a filing cabinet, but I must have been distracted. I put the … Continue reading
Money Will Not Be Enough to Fix the Problems in the Education System
The old adage ‘you get what you pay for’ does not work in education as many parents who have invested tens of thousands of dollars in private school fees have found out the hard way when their children have left school with substandard Maths or Literacy skills. Put another way, ‘it is not how much … Continue reading
In Australia the Proportion of Students At Year 12 Level Who Study Advanced Or Intermediate Maths is Falling Every Year
Australian schools are presiding over a DUMBING DOWN of our children in the area of Mathematics. Each year since 1995, more and more Year 12 Mathematics students in Australia opt for studying lower levels of Mathematics than the students of the previous year. By 2004: Only 34.3% of Year 12 students studied Mathematics at Intermediate … Continue reading
The Bad News: Mathematics Education at School is ‘Broken’
Is your child struggling with Maths at school – if so, he/she is not alone. You could even say your child is normal! The problem is in epidemic proportions. In technologically advanced nations like Australia, UK and USA you would expect Mathematics education to be highly developed. You would also expect the vast majority of … Continue reading
Government Guidelines for Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics
International Research into Methods of Teaching Reading Because of generally poor levels of literacy among school students despite many years at school, governments of all the major English-speaking countries (including USA, UK, Canada and Australia) have recently conducted major studies into the best ways of teaching basic reading skills. ALL THESE STUDIES CONCLUDED THE SAME … Continue reading
Bringing Stories and Novels Alive for Reluctant Readers
Everybody loves stories – but only a small percentage of the population have good enough reading skills to find reading a novel an easy and enjoyable experience. It is not that these people cannot read, but reading more than a page or two is not a relaxing experience. This is because most English-speaking people have … Continue reading
How to Get Your Child Ready to Start School
How to Get Your Child Ready to Start School Many parents, especially with their first child, are reluctant to start educating their child until their child starts school. This is because they do not feel they have the expertise or are scared that what they do may conflict with what is taught at school. Little … Continue reading
Improving Handwriting
Changing Your Child’s Handwriting Technique and Style Since most schools moved away from teaching proper cursive writing in favour of print or a semi-linked script style, there has been less emphasis on teaching handwriting technique. Consequently, many children hold their pens in an awkward manner, which in turn forces them to use a technique called … Continue reading
What Is Phonics?
What Is Phonics? The word ‘phonics’ comes from the ancient Greek word for ‘sound’. Since the Greeks were the first culture to develop an alphabet to represent the sounds in their language, it is fitting that in English we use the word ‘phonics’ to mean the teaching of the letter-sound relationships for reading, and the … Continue reading