Do any of these sound like you?
- I feel stressed a lot of the time and I don’t know what to do about it.
- I have trouble controlling my emotions.
- I have trouble focussing on one thing at a time and my concentration doesn’t last very long.
- My life seems to lack meaning – I always thought I would be more in control of my life by this age.
The Scientific Research on Meditation
I will summarise the main findings in the scientific literature. Some of the claimed possible benefits of meditation and my personal take on them.
Watch this Video: What Are the Benefits of Meditation?
Meditation – Give It a Go Now
Most of the research into meditation finds that regular meditation has a number of positive effects on our lives. Meditation can help you get your life in order, and to build the person that you want to be, so it is worth considering giving meditation a go.

Using recordings of guided meditations is the easiest way to meditate. I am running an online course which includes a large number of guided meditations that you can use for the rest of your life. It is suitable for people of all ages, including children as young as four years-old. The Course is very practical and the guided meditations put you in control of what you do with your meditation and will help you supercharge your education, your career, and your life.
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